Travis Arthur Artworks
Let's make some Art

ArtPop Charlotte - Class of 2022
In an incredible honor, I was one of 20 artists selected as part of ArtPop Street Gallery's Class of 2022. Part of this honor is having my work "Coneflower" pictured above displayed on billboards in the Charlotte area. Billboards are going up now!
If you happen to see my work, please share.
To read an article introducing the 2022 class from the Charlotte Observer: click here

What is ArtPop Street Gallery
Art + Public Outdoor Project = ArtPop Street Gallery
ArtPop is a national nonprofit bringing greater public access to art by supporting the
artists that create it. Since 2014, we have promoted the work of local artists and made art
accessible to communities through donated media and advertising space. We place the
work of local artists on billboards, on newsstands, in airport terminals, and on digital
displays all around our participating cities. This program is made possible through the
generous donations of billboards and other advertising spaces across the country,
amounting to more than $30 million of donated advertising space in 15 cities in the past
eight years. In addition, we've displayed the work of more than 450 artists who were
selected in juried competitions.

ArtPop Sponsors
It takes a lot of help to make a program this amazing work. Thanks to the following ArtPop Street Gallery partners for helping to make this possible:
Lending Tree Foundation
Adams Outdoor Advertising
Lamar Advertising
Charlotte Center City Partners
Awedience Media
@Awedience Media
@TheArtistsU (only on Twitter)
Le Meridien Hotel Charlotte - @lemeridiencharlotte and @redsaltdavidburke